Bringing Indoor Plants Outdoors

Bringing your indoor plants outdoors is not always an easy thing to do.

Outdoor plants need extra attention & commitment, a little more than indoor plants do.

Try to only take your indoor plants outside if you know you'll be able to keep an eye on them. If you are, here are our tips:

Bringing your indoor plants outdoors | Dasos Farms 

Place your plants outside in full shade for at least two weeks, so they begin to get used to their new conditions. Start to move them to more appropriate lighting after two weeks have passed.

Take into consideration the following factors: 


1. Wind -

It's one of the biggest challenges, especially if you're placing them on rooftops & balconies (where wind can knock them out, dry them out faster & the weather's colder). Know how windy your outdoor space is before moving your plants. 

 2. Sun & Heat -

The sun & heat during warmer days are an issue as well. In the city, bricks and concrete absorb and radiate heat, making it easy for your plants to overheat. This heat will dry the potting mix much faster than indoors. Most likely, you'll have to water every day (twice a day, during the summer)

3. Back Indoors -

When bringing your plants back indoors during colder weather, your plants will receive less light, therefore less food. This means that unless you keep them in a bright area (near windows, for example) your plant will drop its leaves when bringing it back indoors. 

4. Water & Rain -

If your planter has no drainage, do not put your plant outside. This is because rain can be stored in your container (in a non-draining pot) and your plant's roots will start to rot. If your planter does have drainage, skip watering day on rainy days.

5. Pests -

When your plants are outdoors, you'll start to notice a few bites taken out on them. This is completely normal. You have to watch out if these insects are making a home out of your plant, though.

When you do decide to bring your plant indoors, you may be bringing pests & bugs as well. Try to trim and inspect your plants carefully before bringing them in.

Bonus tip: Spray them with insecticidal soap for extra precautions.

6. Lower Temperatures -

Only move your plants outside if your nightly temperatures are consistently above 18 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is below 18 degrees, bring them back in. 

Benefits of taking indoor plants outdoors:

They make your outdoors like a little nicer, but they also have other perks: 

1. They grow faster - 

Light is food for plans. The more light they're given, the more they're likely to grow. Try to put your plants out in the summertime, you'll notice growth is quicker. 

2. Denser plants -

If you have plants that look sparse, putting it out in the sun will give your plant a fuller shape. Try combining light with pruning to have bushier plants during the summer.

3. More colors & flowering -

For plants with pigments, putting them outside will give them more vibrant & larger leaves (compared to letting them inside). Other plants like succulents or cacti will probably even flower. 

4. More space -

Putting plants outside frees up more space indoors. You can double check what other plants you'll want to add to your collection & clean up your spaces. 
For any other questions, make sure to contact our plant experts!