About Our Greens



Chamaedorea ernesti-augusti, better known as Fishtail, the foliage that started Dásos Farms. 

We look to produce high-quality greens through responsible practices. We aim for the well-being of our customers, our people & our land.
From solar panels, to our rain water reservoir, our purpose is to conserve our local resources & protect the environment.
We firmly believe in the value of hard work, providing opportunities and economic development for our team & their community.
Through years of experience, our foliage pickers carefully work their way through the rows of Dásos Farms to select the best stems,
ensuring the highest quality. 
As producers of high-quality greens, we look to help you every step of the way & find just what you are looking for.
We deliver locally & export world-wide through: wholesale, retail, distributors & florists.
We strive towards growth, bringing our clients closer to nature and delivering products that make
their everyday lives a little more vibrant & exciting.
Shop Cut Foliage & Greens


For inquiries on greens & foliage contact us +(502) 5848-5217 or drop us a line hello@dasosfarms.com

Make sure to read our blog, on tips on how to care for your greens & design ideas.